Once you are comfortable using a command line, you can instead use rsync and unison to transfer files these programs also allow for easy backup of cluster files. These programs function similarly to Cyberduck you will hopefully be able to figure them out given the instructions below. This description uses a very simple FTP called Cyberduck, but there are numerous other free options including Filezilla and WinSCP (Windows only). To do this, you'll need a program called an FTP client. Drag the Cyberduck icon from the Applications folder into your Dock.This section describes how to transfer files between your local computer and the cluster.You may add the Cyberduck icon to your Dock.Copy the Cyberduck icon to your Applications folder.Once the file has finished downloading open the DMG file.

Click on the download for version 3.2.1 (newer versions do not work on 10.4).Installing Cyberduck on your 10.4 Mac (Tiger) To delete items out of the folder: highlight unwanted items and press delete on your keyboard (or drag items from the window to your trash).Simply drag and drop files into the window to copy files to the course.The main window of Cyberduck will now contain the contents of the WISE folder you just mapped.You may be asked to enter your password again.In the password, type your WISE password.In the username box, type your WISE username.(See WISE Help for more information on this topic) The URL is located under Step 1 and begins. Find this URL by clicking on Upload/Download Multiple Resources in the menu at the top of the Resources or Drop Box page. In the Server text box, type or paste the URL for the Resources or Drop Box folder of your WISE course.

Once the file has finished downloading, open the ZIP file.Click the link on the right-hand side of the page to download the latest version of the cyberduck.zip file.Installing the Cyberduck Program on your Mac (OSX 10.5 and up)