
Mediaportal pvr client connection lost kodi
Mediaportal pvr client connection lost kodi

Loading: C:\ProgramData\Xepg\Pairings.xml I have put admin / admin but it doesn't seem to work, do you know if they have changed the credentials on thelast update ? I have the same error when trying to connect to DMS via options I have updated to the last DVBViewer and xpeg versions but now I can't succeed in importing my xmltv fileĮRROR TYPE: Xepg requires full access rights to DMS. including show banner URLs in the DMS XMLTV export mentioned above may be possible in future, but I have to discuss with if and how this can be done. If you want to configure certain tags as default for M3U export, please launch DMSTweaker.bat from the DVBViewer program directory (where DVBViewer.exe is), search the "Live stream M3U configuration" setting, select it and read the description at the bottom. Simply add the numbers for getting the desired tags in the M3U, e.g.

mediaportal pvr client connection lost kodi

If PVR Live needs to know the URL for getting DMS XMLTV EPG data, please use DMS-IP]:8089/api/epg.html?xmltv=1&xgrab=Ħ4: Add tvg-chno (= one-based channel number) where n is a number that is composed in the follwing way:ġ6: Add tvg-id tag (= EPG Channel ID for XMLTV EPG data downloaded from the DMS). Please use the following URL to download Channels.m3u from the DMS: You can let the DMS add some tags to the M3U file that are supported by PVR Live, as I can see here. This M3U was downloaded from DMS web interface and I changed "localhost" for my DMS server local IP.

mediaportal pvr client connection lost kodi

PD: Is it so difficult for DMS or XEPG to allow an XML guide directly just like the now dead TVmosaic? (whith this setup description is OK on DVBViewer and also on Kodi whith DVBViewer addon, but show banner is missing too). If the same xml guide imported into DMS is used, the description shows the title again, and show banners are lost. If an M3U list is used with an xml guide with the same app (PVR Live) everything is perfect. Title, description and show banner are shown correctly in live channels (but you lose the integration with the recording service and DMS channel logos).

mediaportal pvr client connection lost kodi

I use PVR Live for android TV and DMS as a server to integrate DVBViewer channels on my TV with Google Live Channels, but I can't find a way for description to show in live channels, only the title is shown in both fields, title and description is the same. Why is the show barner lost after importing to DMS? Meaning " mediaportal pvr client connection lost kodi

I don't know if it is a DVBViewer problem or if it could be solved with a correct setup of XEPG but.

Mediaportal pvr client connection lost kodi